
Training Videos

Welcome to Hyve Health’s Vitality Payer Scorecard training.  This training consists of 10 videos, each 5 minutes in length or less with total run time under 30 minutes.  The training is simple and available for you to do at any time. 

We recommend that you complete all the videos before exploring your organization’s Vitality Payer Scorecard, or log into your Vitality Payer Scorecard and follow along with the videos in your live environment.

Questions?  Please reach out to

Vitality Overview

Video 1

An overview of the Vitality Payer Scorecard and its implications.

The Data Behind Vitality

Video 2

Discover the data behind your Vitality Payer Scorecard.

How To: Log in to Vitality

Video 3

Step-by-step instruction on user account activation and how to log into Vitality Payer Scorecard.

How To: Use Microsoft Power BI

Video 4

Vitality Payer Scorecard was built on Microsoft Power BI.  Learn how to navigate through all of Vitality Payer Scorecard using Microsoft Power BI.

Vitality Tabs: Home

Video 5

A review of your landing page in Vitality Payer Scorecard.

Vitality Tabs: Prompt Pay

Video 6

Learn how to navigate and utilize the 2nd tab of the Vitality Payer Scorecard: Prompt Pay.

Vitality Tabs: Reimbursement

Video 7

Learn how to navigate and utilize the 3rd tab of the Vitality Payer Scorecard: Reimbursement.

Vitality Tabs: Denials

Video 8

Learn how to navigate and utilize the 4th tab of the Vitality Payer Scorecard  Denials.

Vitality Tabs: National

Video 9

Learn how to navigate and utilize the 5th and final tab of the Vitality Payer Scorecard: National.

Common Questions

Video 10

Your final video!  Discover commonly asked questions and subsequent answers regarding the Vitality Payer Scorecard.